Monday, May 5, 2008

A Broken Heart

I have been praying that God will use this trip to open my eyes and He has done that. Seeing the needs of the people of Malawi has broken my heart. No wonder the founder of World Vision, Bob Peirce, prayed the prayer “break my heart for the things that break the heart of God”. As I sat with Faith and her family today I saw in them such joy and peace like I rarely see. Their simple lives have a profound depth in spite of their circumstances. As I gave them gifts they were overcome with gratitude and thankfulness. I sat there content in being able to share what I had with them and then I realized that I was not the giver but rather the distributor of what God has given me. It reminded me of the C.S. Lewis story where a boy takes his allowance and buys a gift for his father and gives it to him. The father at receiving the gift is “none the richer” for receiving the gift as he is the one who provided the six-pence for the gift. Whoa be to me if I ever think I am anything special for giving this gift to this family. I’m but a small link in the chain of the blessings that flow only because of the kindness of my heavenly father. I am a fool to think that I am a generous and benevolent giver when it really is God who gives us all things. I was born in a land of abundance for a reason. Not to sit in luxury’s lap and lay up treasures but rather to be the conduit to share God’s blessings to those who are in need. What a lesson God is revealing to me.

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