I singled this girl out at a community gathering because she had such a contagious smile. Later that day we ended up visiting her home and I took a bunch of photos of her. The picture before this is the little girls sister.
This is the sign post at Cape Point. If you look closely you will see that New York is 12,541KM away. That's where my journey started. Since then I have been in eight countries, have taken over 5,200 pictures (28 Gigabytes) and had the best trip ever. Thanks for following along. When I get home, let's get together and look at the other 5,000 pictures you didn't see.
This is the little beach at Penguin Cove. I'm not sure if the locals call it that, but I do. It costs about $3 for entrance into this little park. There are warm water penguins here. It is pretty amazing. Please note that Speedos are still worn in Africa.
These group of mountains are called the Three Amigos. I know that because I named them. Of course, they would'nt call them that because they don't know spanish. These run along the Indian Ocean north of the point.
In May I went on a 21 day trip to southern Africa. I traveled to Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa visiting both Johannesburg and Capetown. This blog follows my trip and includes photos and descriptions of my experiences. The purpose of the trip is to learn more about the work that WV does in these countries and meet the key leaders I will be working along side in my new position.